Friday 16 January 2015

Relishing in the Moment

Some beautiful moments in my daily life where I am reminded
how blessed and fortunate I am to live in Western Australia.

Bay of Blessings  20/02/2015

I opened my eyes to the morning sun's rays through the outdated curtains of my villa.

Back on home soil, I broke into a half smile in remembering the earlier years, when I worked in this very resort in Busselton as a waitress - another past chapter in my life.

I open every curtain, window and door of my villa to greet and breathe in the sights and sounds of my natural surroundings, before settling back into bed, propped against the pillows with my early morning cuppa.

My intention of reading at least the next chapter of my book was short lived however, due to the shrill calls and twittering of the birds. It was like they were beckoning me to step outdoors and embrace the intro of this brand new day, so to their demands, I slipped into my bikini, grabbed my towel and set out along the bricked pathway.

The feel of the sultry air and smell of willowed peppermint trees and lush dewy grass that lead to the beach was all so familiar and gratifying.
Greeting happy groundsmen and rident holiday goers with cheerful smiles along my way, I was reminded for the billionth time of how lucky and blessed I am to be given this gift called life, along with freedom to enjoy it.
The calm, still waters of the bay beneath the pale blue endless sky and clouds that were stretched like cotton wool strands came into view like an endless sketch in water colours of pastel shades. I’m even more so inspired to take a course in learning to paint – must look into that once I return to Perth.
Bayview Geographe Resort - Beach
Bayview Geographe Resort
Geographe Bay
My daily beach walk  27/10/2015

I started out on my walk along Mullaloo beach a little later than usual today, it was just around midday, though it was most definitely worth it.

An over cast sky and slight offshore breeze made for perfect conditions for a brisk pace along the shoreline, where the gentle waves rolled in as if collecting my deepest secrets and thoughts and freeing them out to sea.

Midway, during my therapeutic venture, I suddenly became aware there was not another human being in sight, uncommon especially for a Perth beach. In realising this, I came to a stop and stood knee deep in the cool, soothing Indian ocean savouring the peacefulness.

Normally by this time, I have a leisurely swim, but the water was rather “milky” looking and I refer to this as “shark water” because you can never see anything unless it surfaces.

# Mullaloo Beach
Gazing out to the horizon, I broke into a smile, for there at that moment in time was little ol’ me, a speck in the universe with all the space and liberty anyone could wish for.

I couldn’t help but ponder about the millions of less fortunate people in the world, living in confined conditions of multi-story concrete blocks or those exposed to the harsh, dry conditions in desert with absolutely no freedom of choice. Many would never even experience a beach.

Lucky and privileged am I to have been born, raised and living in this wonderful part of Australia and never shall I take any of it for granted.

Sea View Ridge Olive Grove - Lancelin 30/05/2016

Enjoyed a delightful, welcoming stay with a friend in this rammed- earth, cottage style B&B in Lancelin - 127kms north of Perth.

Set in tranquil surroundings within an abundance of olive treesI immediately succumbed to the serenity as we pulled into the drive.

A long afternoon walk, soaking up the warmth of the sun with nothing but sounds of tiny birds twittering was divine.

Organic olive oil and preserves are made and available for taste testing and purchasing on the premises.
Small courtyard outside our room with a touch of rustic
European Charm
Loaded olive tree branch at Seaview Ridge
Gardens and hanging baskets add to the homely charm 
Homemade plum jam, lemon and lime marmalade
and garlic infused extra virgin olive oil.