Sunday 5 July 2015


Sealreal 30/08/2011

Phil Hollet Photography

There I was in the month of July, in warmth and comfort of my car sipping my much appreciated flat white on a cold blustery winter day.

Every so often, just to get out of my four walls in Busselton, I’d take myself for a relaxing drive to relish in the serenity of the countryside.

On this particular morning I stopped in Dunsborough, grabbed a takeaway coffee and drove on a little further down to Eagle Bay. The beautiful, rugged coastline - so spectacular with white foamed waves forcing into the rocks.

Suddenly, to my disbelief the most majestic seal appeared from nowhere, it was almost like I had to shake my head, close and re-open my eyes to realise what I was actually witnessing.

This black, blubbery mammal from the ocean was playfully clambering up the rocks until he reached the highest point right before me.

Saluting to the skies, his nose high into the air was like he was bestowing gratitude to the universe for his wonderful life of freedom.

I thought to capture the image on my iPhone but I was transfixed and couldn't take my eyes from him for a second. I was utterly connected to him in those precious moments, where nothing else mattered or even existed apart from me and him. I could feel my whole self soften. I felt warmed, relaxed, uplifted and free all at once, because of him.

Next thing my beautiful friend slid down from his position and back into the ocean as if enjoying the thrill of a water-slide and he knew very well I was watching him.

No camera image could ever match that precious gift to me on that day. The memory stays etched in my mind forever.