Friday 22 March 2019

Morning Coffee

Lively birds twittering and celebrating dawn
Our faithful sun has risen, a new day is born.

My ever grateful heart will never want for much,
except a cup of coffee to add that perfect touch.

Smell of grounded beans, luscious and intense,
wafting through my kitchen, arousing every sense.

If I happen to endure a twitchy, restless night,
I crave nothing more than a strong flat white.

My humble coffee maker never lets me down
when energy's depleted from dancing on the town.

Now, some prefer it chilled or maybe extra hot
and those lacking vigour will want a double shot.

Brewed justly neat for folks who like it black
or Macchiato, dash of foam if you’d rather that.

Frothy Cappuccino with chocolate on top
or smooth blended Latte savouring every drop.

I’m thankful for the coffee from the Arabica tree
and understand entirely, if it's not your cup of tea.

Sunday 27 January 2019

Happy New Year

My Christmas tree is glowing and candles are lit
All comfy and fresh in my nightie, I sit
A peaceful night to reminisce on my own
To reflect and ponder over years that have flown
Thinking of my loved ones and friends near and far
Hoping you are safe wherever you are
This year has unfolded many triumphs and tears
But life is like that - and we grow through the years
We must learn from the past, for we can’t rewind
Only live for this moment, laugh and be kind
I gaze up to the abundance of stars that shine
Thinking soon it is time to sing Auld Lang Syne
Relishing the bubbles from my champagne flute
I am sentimentally gratified and happy to boot!

Happy New Year!