Monday 27 April 2020

There's a Party at the Pond

There’s a natural little spring at the end of my street
Where I often love to wander and have a little peep

There’s a party at the pond, it happens all the time
When heavy rains subside and the sun begins to shine.

Common birdlife flock to this outdoor cabaret
Striking up a chorus, in celebration for this day.

Magpies alert the others in warbling chit and chatter
Crows respond by cawing, they understand the natter.

News is screeched by Cockatoos to parrots and galahs.
Butcherbirds and Honeyeaters sing their la la la’s

Black ducks gladly quacking and waddle in their cluster
Distinguished collared Shel ducks, honk to join the muster

Tweeting sounds of Silvereyes fetch a softer voice
Ibis step with elegance, partaking with rejoice.

Frogs croaking loudly, in hope of attracting a mate
Oblong Turtles pop their heads, hoping they’re not late

Forget about rehearsal, at this pond’s great event
Wildlife needs no practice, they sing with true intent

A smorgasbord of beetles and insects is in sight
The birds alert each other, sharing nature’s delight.

Worms commence to surface from sodden muddy ground
Grass is moist and juicy where morsels can be found

Sustenance aplenty, thanks to heaven’s skies
Providing native fauna with nourishing supplies

There’s a party at the pond, it happens all the time
When heavy rains subside and the sun begins to shine.