Wednesday 28 December 2016

My Affair with the Indian Ocean

Here we go again with those New Year Resolutions!

Like most, my resolutions have always been health related, though you will never catch me in a gym, so 2017 will be no different to my previous years (apart from spending less time on Facebook - ha ha!)

I intend continuing to take advantage of what Mother Nature provides, something I am always attracted to, yearn for, love immensely, is in unlimited supply and free!.......

The Indian Ocean off Western Australia
The ocean; will naturally cleanse, detox and tone your body.
Venturing to the beach for my regular walks and swims has an enlivening effect, where my senses are awakened to the taste and smell of the fresh salt air. My mind is cleared, my body is weightless and relieved of discomfort, I am stress free, content and at one with nature.

In doing a little research as to why the physical and spiritual appeal of the ocean has attracted people throughout history, I furthermore understand the profound medicinal benefits the ocean essentially contributes to our health.

Ancient Greeks bathed in hot tubs of sea water in addition to drinking and inhaling sea water for health. Regular massages, facials and body wraps, using seaweed and immersing in sea water pools were common practice, providing hydrotherapy and opening the pores, thus eliminating body toxins.

There is a specific word for the consumption of seawater in health restoration and maintenance, which was first written about by Hippocrates, the Greek Father of Medicine. Thalassotherapy: comes from the Greek word "thalassa" - meaning water and "therapia" - meaning to heal.

Today, sea water is used in fashionable spas, upmarket resorts and rehabilitation centres to reduce stress, detox the skin, boost circulation, increase mobility and strength, weight loss and control cellulite.

Engaging directly with the ocean provides further remedial therapy for a healthy body. It contains all the essential vitamins and mineral salts needed for our well-being. These substances are easily absorbed during swimming, wading or bathing in sea water and the effervescent waves of mineral gases deliver a stimulating, cleansing massage to our body. Relief from arthritic pain, aching muscles and anxiety is also gained by immersing, relaxing or actively exercising in ocean water - and I can vouch for that. Our body becomes more toned, resilient and utterly refreshed.

Mullaloo Beach
Fancy a walk along the beach? - This is just as beneficial, without even getting wet!
The gas particles within the ocean mist generate a vapour loaded with negative ions. These exceptionally small particles within the vapour, enter the body through the respiratory system and strengthen our body’s immunity.

Through practice, I believe the same therapeutic effect is attained through a meditation or yoga session on the beach. Concentrating only on my breathing, I'm effortlessly able to block distractions through the passive, rhythmic sounds of the Indian Ocean.  

Nourish your body and Soul
Taking a brisk walk along the beach at dawn of a new day is enlivening for me, as is exfoliating my body with the wet, salty, white sand or observing the sun descend beyond the horizon signifying the end of the day.

Kabbijup Beach (Three Bears) - Yallingup

The ultimate for me, is relishing in a glorious sunset on a balmy night
and raising my glass of champagne with a gratifying salute to

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