Tuesday 23 May 2017


Thinking of you Rosie, as my eyes well up with tears
We lost our little sweetheart of more than fourteen years
Your name was chosen from the flower “the rose” and it’s true
This beautiful flower in any garden will only remind me of you.

The day we brought you home, you dazzled us from the start
Your gentle nature and cheerful spirit sure did melt my heart
Watching you waddle from behind was just the cutest sight
One leg was entirely black and the other completely white.

Determined to get inside the house, it wasn’t long before
You figured it out by walking back, against the sliding door
Dancing on your back legs wearing a tutu and hair in a bow
You won 1st prize for “best trick” one year at Busselton Show.

Even though we can no longer touch, we’ll never be apart
The memories and the love we shared will stay within my heart
The house seems quiet and empty, now that you have gone
But I know you are all well again, happy, pain free and strong.

Playing in Rainbow Bridge, green grass and skies so blue
Running with all the other dogs, including Candy too
One day, you will both look up and get a big surprise
For I’ll be there with arms wide open looking into your eyes.

First Written: 5th January 2010

Awakening the Goddess Within

Recently I attended Tara's True Nature Goddess Awakening” Transformation Class, specifically created for women.

The class began with a basic philosophical briefing on the origins of goddesses - women and their instinctive strong feminine influences, forever bringing sustained peace and love across the lands.

Gradually since those ancient times, women have lost much influence in maintaining the peace and harmony the world needs, due to the empowerment of the masculine rule.
Sadly over time we have also disconnected with the goddess within and have merely conformed to doing what is expected of us and often feel we are taken for granted and doubt our worth.

Though I am grateful and take pride in being a mother, grandmother and friend and so on, sometimes work, worries and stresses of my daily life leave me feeling tired, drained and I forget who I am. I’m sure a lot of women can identify with me.

Tara’s classes allowed me to awaken the goddess within me, appreciate and love myself for the strong, intelligent and caring woman I am. Through this class, I gained a better understanding of my real self, my worth and realised that I need and deserve time out for myself without feeling guilty.

Gentle feminine yoga stretches, poses and salute to the moon, followed by a deep and sensual meditation that we practiced during the class ultimately left me feeling spiritually uplifted, strong and physically relaxed with a clear and peaceful mind.

I never thought how special and important I really was until I attended this transformation class. Tara’s unique way of explaining and guiding me to identify and tune into my own needs, has prompted me to be kinder and attentive to myself. It makes sense, for if I neglect myself, then how can I go about my life to be strong, communicate and give to others?

Lotus Flower
I now believe, we women are the deity of life we are given. Instinctively and unselfishly, we bestow much love, understanding and nurturing to others and in order to stay connected and continue with the wonderful work we do, we deserve to love and stay true to ourselves spiritually and physically.

I thoroughly recommend all women to take a little over an hour of their time to relax and pamper themselves.

Try these beautiful, healing transformation classes for yourself... it’s your time.

Goodnight My Little Man

Stephen 28th May 1979 to 30th June 1979

Stephen Paul

My precious baby Stephen... I gave birth to you - not much more than a child myself.

Only 4 weeks and 5 days later, you passed away peacefully in my arms and every day since, I reflect on those precious days when I nursed and held you close.

I clearly see your angelic face framed by soft, dark hair that once drew everyone’s attention.
The emptiness and pain of never being able to embrace and nurture you again in this life has become tolerable over time, but it never diminishes.

I chose your name because I loved the way it was spelled and pronounced. I wish I could call and hear your name daily, speak about you and hear you, as I do with my living children.

Though naturally born of a generous weight and perfectly covered, your little heart was weak and your breaths grew fast and shallow.

Still, the smiles you bestowed during your final days, remain unforgettable and something that no-one can ever steal from me. I never forget the first time you smiled at your little yellow duck, my heart melted and my eyes brimmed with tears.That same little duck was tucked into your arm when I viewed you for the very last time on this Earth.

Eternally I feel your presence, for everlastingly our hearts are immortally attached and I sense the connection to your divine, warm soul through the eyes of Danielle, Lisa, Brad, Lyla, Rocco and Valentino. Your spirit forever lives on within us.

My guardian angel, with you I feel confident and have faith. I pray to you often and you never fail to respond. You watch over and keep us safe and wherever I roam, I smile at every rainbow that appears before me for I know you’re just on the other side.

My baby, I am blessed and cherish those thirty three days we shared in this life following the nine months of nourishing your growing form within my body, carrying you with love, pride and devotion. You taught me so much my darling and I would never be the person I am today if not for you. You came to me for a reason.

Before drifting off to sleep at night, the same closing words are repeated, “Goodnight my little man, mummy loves you so much” that I whispered to you at the time you took your last breath.

Love forever and ever
Mummy xxx