Tuesday 23 May 2017

Awakening the Goddess Within

Recently I attended Tara's True Nature Goddess Awakening” Transformation Class, specifically created for women.

The class began with a basic philosophical briefing on the origins of goddesses - women and their instinctive strong feminine influences, forever bringing sustained peace and love across the lands.

Gradually since those ancient times, women have lost much influence in maintaining the peace and harmony the world needs, due to the empowerment of the masculine rule.
Sadly over time we have also disconnected with the goddess within and have merely conformed to doing what is expected of us and often feel we are taken for granted and doubt our worth.

Though I am grateful and take pride in being a mother, grandmother and friend and so on, sometimes work, worries and stresses of my daily life leave me feeling tired, drained and I forget who I am. I’m sure a lot of women can identify with me.

Tara’s classes allowed me to awaken the goddess within me, appreciate and love myself for the strong, intelligent and caring woman I am. Through this class, I gained a better understanding of my real self, my worth and realised that I need and deserve time out for myself without feeling guilty.

Gentle feminine yoga stretches, poses and salute to the moon, followed by a deep and sensual meditation that we practiced during the class ultimately left me feeling spiritually uplifted, strong and physically relaxed with a clear and peaceful mind.

I never thought how special and important I really was until I attended this transformation class. Tara’s unique way of explaining and guiding me to identify and tune into my own needs, has prompted me to be kinder and attentive to myself. It makes sense, for if I neglect myself, then how can I go about my life to be strong, communicate and give to others?

Lotus Flower
I now believe, we women are the deity of life we are given. Instinctively and unselfishly, we bestow much love, understanding and nurturing to others and in order to stay connected and continue with the wonderful work we do, we deserve to love and stay true to ourselves spiritually and physically.

I thoroughly recommend all women to take a little over an hour of their time to relax and pamper themselves.

Try these beautiful, healing transformation classes for yourself... it’s your time.

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