Monday 13 January 2020

The Volunteer Firefighter

I'd like to share this poem I wrote out of respect and appreciation for all our volunteer firefighters.
All the men and women who risk their lives and give tirelessly to protect our beautiful country Australia.

Australia is at war with bloody red flames
burning our land until charcoal remains

Volunteer Firefighters, our heroes of hope
Risk their lives through billowing smoke

Through the crackling intensity and dreadful smell
Their eyes are straining as they push through hell

Pausing momentarily and gazing around
Seeing wildlife perishing – ash to the ground

Thirsty and shocked animals whimper with pain
They know our fauna will never be the same

The fighters may grab their water to share
with a wounded koala in a state of despair

Shattered, the fighter stares up in vain
Willing the heavens to send down rain

Though weariness shows on each blackened face
They won’t allow fatigue to slow down their pace

Julie Annette King

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